Dental Care For Dogs

Dental Care For Dogs

When it comes to the health of our dogs, many pet owners neglect proper oral hygiene. A recent estimate provided by the American Veterinary Dental College found that most dogs display symptoms of canine periodontal disease by the time they are only three years old! This development can go unnoticed by the owner who thinks that bad breath is simply normal for dogs. Although a dog should not be expected to have minty-fresh breath, it also shouldn’t make you gag.

Just as with humans, dogs can be affected by gum disease. But unlike humans, dogs have no direct way of telling you that they are having problems until things are often out of hand. Since untreated dental problems can lead to painful abscesses, systemic infections, and tooth loss, it’s important to pay some attention to the oral care of your furry canine friend.

Brushing Teeth

It may seem silly to brush your dog’s teeth, but it’s a great way to prevent the accumulation of plaque. You won’t need to brush them daily, but you should do it often. Dogs are typically not too happy about it initially, but they can be easily trained, just as they can be conditioned to have their nails trimmed.

Never use human toothpaste to brush your dog’s teeth, as some ingredients can be toxic to dogs. Buy a toothpaste specifically formulated for dogs. They often come in delicious flavors like chicken or peanut butter. You can also use a special dog toothbrush to brush your dog’s teeth.

Canine Tooth Wipes

Dog dental wipes are a good solution for those who cannot brush their dog’s teeth, or would like to try a different cleaning method. You would rub these wipes against their teeth for the removal of plaque. Although they cannot reach tiny nooks and crannies like a toothbrush, they can still help clean your dog’s teeth, and some owners find them easier to use than a toothbrush.

Dog Dental Treats

Canine dental treats are a great way to enhance your dog’s dental health. Their abrasive action helps to remove accumulations of plaque while freshening their breath and cleaning their mouth. Dogs also appreciate them more than a toothbrush or tooth wipes, although they are not a complete replacement.

Professional Canine Cleanings

Given the imperfect techniques involved with brushing a dog’s teeth, having them receive a professional cleaning is sometimes best. Although professional cleaning is certainly more expensive than the techniques mentioned earlier, your dog’s vet has the required experience to prevent, locate, and treat any dental issues detected.